Regarding CA you failed to mention the LOCAL CONTROL component embedded in prop 64 which has resulted in the majority of CA municipalities not allowing licensed cannabis businesses. Local Control creates (regulated) cannabis deserts, and perpetuates CA’s illicit market far more than high taxes do.
CA brands are more than willing to go toe-to-toe with the lesser quality illicit market brands, we just need equal access to the consumer.
Yes! That's an excellent point. I didn't mean for my list to be comprehensive, and I totally agree that local control for sure adds to the problem.
It's not just the deserts - it also makes the landscape even more difficult because it adds another layer of regulation and taxation into the mix, and relies upon too many local governments to develop their own rules and enforcement. Take Napa, for example, where I used to live. For years, they refused any retail cannabis stores - delivery only (because they had no choice on that). Now, there are at least eight! Even for a town that caters to tourists, that's still too many for Napa.
Regarding CA you failed to mention the LOCAL CONTROL component embedded in prop 64 which has resulted in the majority of CA municipalities not allowing licensed cannabis businesses. Local Control creates (regulated) cannabis deserts, and perpetuates CA’s illicit market far more than high taxes do.
CA brands are more than willing to go toe-to-toe with the lesser quality illicit market brands, we just need equal access to the consumer.
Kenny Morrison
President, Association of
Yes! That's an excellent point. I didn't mean for my list to be comprehensive, and I totally agree that local control for sure adds to the problem.
It's not just the deserts - it also makes the landscape even more difficult because it adds another layer of regulation and taxation into the mix, and relies upon too many local governments to develop their own rules and enforcement. Take Napa, for example, where I used to live. For years, they refused any retail cannabis stores - delivery only (because they had no choice on that). Now, there are at least eight! Even for a town that caters to tourists, that's still too many for Napa.